Tobias Tolkmitt

Tobias Tolkmitt

General Manager Germany

“Happy customer, happy life”

My eyes fell on BlueRock’s position for a Customer Success Analyst for their German speaking customers in a period that the work I was doing wasn’t challenging any more. My main responsibility at that time was solving problems by means of formulas in excel sheets (KPI’s). Even my nick name was “Excel Tobi”, just goes to show how into Excel and formulas I was.

In the course of my 3-year apprenticeship for a carrier my interest for logistics grew and my education in logistics began. Also, to have worked for a pharmaceutical company handling sales operations gave me the chance to gain experience in sales.

Now BlueRock TMS gives me the opportunity to combine my excel/analytical skills with logistic knowledge and to improve these demonstrating skills.

I’m very impressed with the strategic network study within BlueRock, and how we join forces with customers to get the best results.

My way of working is smart and goal orientated, not losing the aim at hand and also asking what the customer wants to achieve to get to the right goal. Taking them by the hand and showing them how they can achieve their goals, makes my day.

In my spare time I’m a hobby barista. Reading non-fiction books and playing handball was a favorite pastime and as of not so long ago I’ve taken it up again.

Living in the moment and enjoying life, keep on BlueRocking! 
